Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Day Ten- 1/26/05

Throwing My Weight Around
Well, crap. It’s True Confessions time.

First of all, I finally did go to the grocery store last night. At 10:00PM. But the point is, I got there! So I now have oatmeal and spinach for my salad and fruity goodness and non-fat cottage cheese and eggs. However-

I didn’t exercise yesterday. Not one speck. I didn’t even do my sit-ups. I totally ran out of time, I was still putting together my lunch stuff at midnight last night, and then I collapsed into bed, exhausted.

I did wear my pedometer, however. But that was it. And then today, I woke up late, and FORGOT to put on the pedometer back on when I left for work. Luckily, my DH needed my car keys, so he came to my work to get them. So I asked him to bring the little gadget with him. But I lost a few hundred steps in the morning. And I also didn’t have time to grab my gym bag, so I am going to have to go home and change into my gym clothes. Rowr!

Ok, so tonight-

I am going to the gym. And I am doing my sit-ups, a bellydance quickie, and my balance ball workout as penance for being a slack-ass for the last two days. Stop the Insanity!

I am also going to be an angel with my menu today. I shouldn’t be using up my points on crap like I have been. Also, tomorrow is the moment of truth- WW Weigh-in Day. I’ve got to find a light outfit; I need all the help I can get with Mr. Scale.

Day 10 Summary

Menu Today-
Breakfast- Rough oatmeal with ICBINB spray and splenda
Snack- Banana
Lunch- Chicken Stew (yes, again), cheese stick, spinach salad, HB egg.
Snack- SF Jello & cottage cheese?

Exercise- Gym Day!
Balance Ball Workout-
Sit-Ups- 100
Bellydance Quickie-

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