Friday, January 20, 2006

Here's the part where you all say "DUH".

Ok. While I am still slightly persnickety with Netflix, I just made an important discovery. Because I can't sleep, dammit.

You can rent workout DVD's, kids. Even Carmen Electra's striptease series. So, you can rent it and you'll know if you can't get through, say, the first 15 minutes due to excessive laughter brought on by all the ass-slapping. BEFORE you shell out the big money at Amazon. Holla!

I also found how-to dance DVD's, and I bet they have a ton of other handy stuff.


Sudarshan said...

Interesting post!!Hey this is sudarshan..I came here first time..was just browsing random blogs and I came here..your blog is really cool and nice..great work!!Have fun and keep posting!!

Rhiannon said...

I rented a knitting DVD. Have yet to recieve and can't really remember what it was about. Who knows, it may be interesting!

jenna sais quoi said...


Off to peruse the knitting selection!

Rhiannon said...

There is probably only one knitting DVD, and then you will rent it and get it in your queue before me and leave me with a long wait. That would be upsetting. Or funny. ;)

Hopefully you will find plenty of knitting DVD's and they will all be fantastic.