Thursday, July 07, 2005

Housefrau/Introspective Mode

Throwing My Weight Around

So, yeah. I am getting ready to clean before ditching hubby for an overnight trip to Woodland. Co-throwing a baby shower, dontcha know.

When the hell did I get so domesticated? Next thing you know, I'll be in Junior League. Ok, maybe not.

I woke up this morning, and hubby was on my computer to use the scanner, and of course, that's how we found out about the bombings in London.

It seems odd to agonize over pounds lost and gained when things like this are happening. I have been relatively subdued all day, to the point that (when out shopping for baby shower supplies) my buddy wanted to know if I was mad at her.

Anyway- my thoughts are with those stiff upper lip, Londoners. They're also with those guys overseas, and with my husband, who was once one of them and is now home. I am sure that he's dealing with heightened alert levels at work.

And- well. As someone who is in discussions about bringing a child into the world- this kind of thing scares the bejeezus out of me.

So- that's where we are on this Thursday. Back to our regularly scheduled program tomorrow.

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