Thursday, March 03, 2005

Day Forty-Five

Throwing My Weight Around

So- the official Thursday AM home weigh-in was:

243 lbs., 48.8 % fat. According to my trusty Tanita scale.

Discouraging? Oh hell yes- especially when I know that the weigh-in at WW tonight will be an even higher number.

Yes, I can blame it at least partially on TOM (any minute now) not to mention the massive binge last weekend. However- this is a pound above what I weighed when I STARTED this whole thing!

After talking to my weight-loss buddy, I learned something that I didn’t know before- You can get a pass from the receptionist- so you can go to the meeting but not weigh in. You just have to ask, and you can only do it three times before you make goal. I think I am going to use the pass today, for the sake of my mental health.

So I am going to focus on my non-scale victories for the week- and there are actually a couple of them.

1. I went shopping with Bobbi last night, and we now both wear a smaller size in clothes. I went down one pants size, so I am back in 18’s, and am wearing 14/16’s or 1x in tops. Score!

Yes, I made some purchases- a pair of boot cut beige pants, a beautiful flowy pink silk top with “scarf” sleeves, a realllly cute black sundress with abstract red flowers and retro styling (the 50’s kind of retro, not 70’s, or 80’s- what do you take me for?) and a great black “wrap” style top for work, with an arc pattern of green and blue all over it. I am wearing the beige pants with the pink top today, and I feel like springtime. J

2. I drank all my water, two days in a row- and I am going for three today.

3. I realized that I have been estimating way too much food for what I need for the day, so I am learning to listen to my body and take my time, so I can figure out when I am full.

For example, I came home from work yesterday with my entire serving of chicken stew and ½ a pomelo. I ended up having the stew for dinner and the pomelo is back in my lunch for today.

So, I am at least getting somewhere. However, my body is definitely fighting to stay where it is. I think (hope, pray) that stepping up the exercise will be the answer.

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